HYGEIA IVF Embryogenesis Unit: Healthy baby girl born after fertilization of eggs frozen ten years ago at MITERA gives hope to thousands of Greek women

The model Assisted Reproduction Unit HYGEIA IVF Embryogenesis, the largest and most advanced Unit in Greece, a member of the Hellenic Healthcare Group, continues to pioneer in the field of assisted reproduction and is a reference point in fertility preservation, offering hope to thousands of women who want to become mothers in the future.

Recently, a 44-year-old patient gave birth to a healthy baby girl at the MITERA Obstetrics Clinic, through fertilization of her own eggs frozen in 2013 at the MITERA IVF Unit. The procedure of thawing and fertilization of the eggs was successfully carried out at the HYGEIA IVF Embryogenesis Unit in 2023, ten years later, with Dr. Ioannis Zervomanolakis, Obstetrician – Gynecologist, Specialist in Assisted Reproduction, as the attending physician.

As Dr. John Zervomanolakis reports: This is one of the longest egg freezing intervals that resulted in a child birth, both in Greece and internationally, based on published cases. It proves in the best way that egg freezing in units with the corresponding experience is safe, both for women with a medical history and for women who freeze their eggs at a young age to complete their family planning later on.

According to Dr. Evangelos Makrakis, Obstetrician – Gynecologist, Scientific Director of the HYGEIA IVF Embryogenesis Unit: In the two years of operation of the HYGEIA IVF Embryogenesis Unit, a fairly large number of egg freezing cases have been performed. Our goal is for more and more Greek women to freeze their eggs in a timely manner, especially after the latest change in the law, which allows the storage of frozen eggs beyond ten years.”

The President and CEO of the HYGEIA IVF Embryogenesis Unit, Mr. Stavros Sougioultzis, said, “This success opens new paths for women who wish to start their family at an older age. We at the HYGEIA IVF Embryogenesis Unit and at MITERA, are by their side to make their dream come true with the use of the latest technology and the most advanced services.”

The HYGEIA IVF Embryogenesis Assisted Reproduction Unit is a milestone in the field of assisted reproduction in Greece and abroad, constituting the largest investment of the last decade in this sector in our country. It is the best equipped Unit, supported by an excellent team of renowned doctors and specialists specialized in assisted reproduction and embryologists trained in leading centers worldwide, with the most experience in the field of assisted reproduction in our country.